The windbag toff last night announced a lockdown. It was inevitable after this weekend’s ridiculous and extremely irresponsible behaviour by many who thought it would be a great idea to fill our parks and national parks.
Snowdonia over the weekend. Stupidly packed!
Therefore, we are now all grounded.
No leaving the house except for very limited tasks.
All the restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and clubs are closed; except for takeaway.
All non-essential trips are banned.
Social gatherings aren’t permitted; and no more than two people can gather together in public.
I just wish I could explain to the groups of students walking through Sheffield today that this IS a thing now. I saw at least 10 groups of students with more than 3 people together. Grrrr!
If people don’t pay attention it WILL be taken further.
On another note, not that you will have noticed, but I have changed my account to now be hosted on Microsoft Office 365 instead of Google Apps. I have a Google Apps account already, and I thought it was a bit silly paying for a personal Office account AND TWO Google Apps accounts when I could just pay for one of each.
Honestly… Microsoft is the better platform though. I love Android, but Google Apps is bloody clunky!