It’s at this time in your life when all your friends suddenly start turning 50. I’ve got a few of these over the next five or so years (including my own!).
This particular one was at a bar in Sheffield. Myself and Mrs Loony, dressed up for a somewhat goth event, and thus, I give you the first time I’ve ever worn my full three piece leather suit, in public, to a party.
Yes I know I’ve worn it for photos before, but this is the first time I’ve ever worn all three pieces together for more than a few minutes in the company of others, and indeed, on public transport.

I did wear a coat over for the journey, not to hide the suit but because it was flipping cold out!

I’ve got to say I love it with the purple iridescent shirt (and for those of you who know me well, you’ll know that this particular shirt is about 25 years old!).

Sadly the only photo I got of the full outfit is a bit blurry, but here you go!