Hi, I’m NomenLoony. it’s all one word, and here is the origin. I’m a guy from the Northern UK (pronouns he/him).
I started this blog back in the early noughties when I was a mere early thirties just starting out on my leather journey.
Now almost two decades later and I’ve really found my passion and my look, and unlike when I first started my blog, these days I’ll actively talk about my latex and leather outfits in public and with strangers.
Just as I’ve evolved as a person, so has my blog – from a simple Livejournal blog it’s now grown to a huge behemoth with over 1500 posts on it plus supporting comments and forums – and I’ve made some great friends here too!
When I’m not in leather, I’m an electrical engineer by day – specialising in fire alarms (FD&A) installation, design, commissioning and servicing.
As for my hobbies – I’m a bassist with three bands at present. I have a wife of over 16 years now, and I am owned by cats. One is a tortoiseshell and she is the boss of us all.
I’m a big fan of Nintendo stuff – I currently have a Nintendo Switch and I’m madly into Zelda on it; but I also rather like retro gaming (or as I know it, just gaming!).
I currently use a Samsung Galaxy Fold 3 and Galaxy Watch 4. My daily use PC is a Surface Pro 6 Core i7.