A summer of maintenance.


My bass gear needs a bit of TLC this summer.
My bass itself hasn’t been cleaned or maintained as well as it should be because we’ve had such a massive gig schedule; plus my case handle on the Warwick Thumb flight case is really badly broken and now hurts to carry the bass with.
My other case with the Rock Bass in it has all broken clips and gaffa tape really doesn’t look that good over them, although the bass itself isn’t too bad.
So… Plans… Stage 1 : The Warwick Thumb

1. Reposition and fit a new spring handle. Much comfier to carry long distances, plus I can balance it for the bass so it’s at the centre of gravity.

2. Clean this minging thing! Total clean, polish, new strings. Also, good service on the electronics with contact cleaner.
The next stage involves the Rock Bass and that’s next week.