And thus, that was the weekend… Part one.


You know every so often you get a few days when you wonder how the hell you survived it? Well this was that weekend.

I can’t complain… It was all very much self inflicted by my being in three bands. Two of those bands had activity this weekend.


A full-ish day of work, follower by a gig in Sheffield. I picked up Odette at 7 and we proceeded to the venue to see John Hackett and Nick Fletcher play a classical concert. Not usually my thing, but I fancied a change.

At £10 I thought it was great value, so I paid, and because we were so close to the start arriving we took our seats at the back of a rather full room for what was to be 2 hours of beautiful music.

John was superb on flute as always, and Nick Fletcher’s acoustic guitar was beautiful and so skillfully played.

We were treated to a selection of Baroque, Classical and Modern songs, many of which I knew, although I was introduced to a few pieces.

After the gig I briefly talked with John, but we couldn’t hang around for very long because of the impending following day praying on my mind.


The second big day. A gig, but first, a shipping trip. Hannah’s Christmas and birthday present – a new tent with blow up poles. She’s been wanting one for ages! Not cheap, but apparently it’s a one man build.

After getting the tent we went to mum’s for a bit, before I headed home and gathered myself and my things ready for the first FTM gig in 6 weeks.

When we quit our previous agent he hadn’t exactly filled our diary for a few months. We’re now in the lull between his work ending and our new work starting.

Today, was Pennywell Comrades Club. A far flung gig – 120 miles away. A long way to go, but a fantastic place to play.

Arriving just before 6, we were set up and soundchecked before 7.

The stage looked nice…

As did we!

The gig itself was absolutely superb. Really well played. A great responsive crowd, and loads of dancers.

The second set finished at about quarter past eleven and we packed down and loaded out. Home time was 2:30am.