And thus, the fishiness began.


After last night’s IQ gig in Bury at The Met, which I have to say was stupendously good (even if they didn’t play Out of Nowhere) and arriving home at half past midnight; I was awoken at 7:30am for a Strangefish rehearsal.

With lasers and songs from Ever buzzing in my mind (did I mention I love lasers) I headed to Bury again.

The rehearsal studio, Redwall, apparently was used by IQ on a number of occasions. The guy managing it told me that when he noticed my IQ hoodie.

I was first there, but I loaded in, set up, and then helped the rest of the guys load in.

Once we were all set up we commenced rehearsals and went through about 10 songs in total, some of them twice. We also caught a new photo to get us going with the forthcoming gigs.

I’m not going to divulge much more about the material we did, as I’d love you too see a gig sometime soon!

I can say, though, that Oceans Deep sounded great!