Originally uploaded by Last Human Gateway
Today has been a pretty f*cked up carbuncle of a day.
Apart from a random meeting with a flickr friend, it’s a weird sort of picking up the pieces day.
The pieces of me deciding my time with the CRS is up… but making sure I don’t leave people in the lurch (yes, I’ll be at Magenta but not as early as I used to go), but also of picking up the pieces of the entire Manning thing.
As a little nicety – it’s lovely to read an album review which names someone else intead of you as the bassist. Nice. Just for the record – I wrote the basslines and played them all on the first Crimes of Passion album. Not bitter here, but credit where credit’s due eh and er… read the cover notes?
The picture for today shows me leaning against a fence. I don’t have time to lean against fences often, but this one needed leaning against as apart from my family and Manning it seems the solidity of the planet is the only stable thing in my life these days.