Rehearsing with the fishes… Yet again!
0As we build up to Fortune Retelling our rehearsing schedule has intensified. This rehearsal was spent totally on Fortune Telling. We did two complete runs through it.
As we build up to Fortune Retelling our rehearsing schedule has intensified. This rehearsal was spent totally on Fortune Telling. We did two complete runs through it.
It’s that time again – a Friday night rehearsal followed by a curry. This should be fun.
Sadly colds and the intense stormy weather have forced us to cancel the Strangefish rehearsal. That really ramps up the pressure now for the 4th of April.
Yesterday was our final rehearsal before the forthcoming Sheffield gig. We went through the usual stuff, and had a couple of runs through Delicate. The decision stands that...
I thought it was time I did a decent progress update on the Strangefish stuff, after all, it’s now about a month since our first rehearsal. First of...
Friday’s Allan Chapman talk was postponed due to the horrible weather (lots of snow) and so we had a nice night in the house. Saturday, on the other...
It’s nice to see the songs getting ticked off… Red indicates I’ve got a good working knowledge of them. Yellow and green will indicate as I get to...
We rehearsed at Hall Place today. I caught a bit of video. Note that no Manning songs were harmed during this performance. [youtube=]