Over the last week or so I have been shiny in public twice times. Yes. Twice! Both occasions were in shiny PVC jeans. It’s hard to believe how my confidence is changing regarding them. I might even wear my red latex jeans out tonight. It’s Christmas after all…
First was in the hotel last Thursday night. I went to the restaurant for my evening meal in shiny trousers. No comments were made. I noticed a few gazing eyes though. People generally do catch a glance – but I’m not sure if that’s just the pvc jeans or the fact that I’m a cyberpunk/pierced/metal guy who looks a little scary, even though you all know I’m a sweetie really.
I also did a photo set in my room. I wanted a photo for such an event as this, and I used my flipper zero as a remote shutter trigger (that thing is an absolute swiss army knife of geekery!)
So it looks a little like I’m hacking. My days of hacking are long gone, although mischief may occasionally occur. My old hacker name was Opal7741. It was a reference to the Spectrum computer game Driller, where the drilling coordinates in Opal for 100% were 7741,7741 (it was written on a sign in the sector).
These days I’ve put an orange and teal gas mask logo in with it – seems apt with my love of latex, plus the fact that the original Driller game had you drilling to release trapped gas under the moon Mitral orbiting the planet Evath.
Just two days after I was back in my PVC again, this time at an Amiga meet, again nobody commented (although I did have a rather cool metal head looking couple cast more than a sneaky eye over me in Sainsburys on the way home as I went to get Christmas present tags for Thing.
Tonight is my society Christmas party and I’m seriously giving the red latex jeans consideration.
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