I like the new Facebook layout which appeared about about half past seven tonight. As usual people will whinge, but based on the fact that you’re using a free site as are hundreds of your friends, and Facebook offer you free storage of photos, blogs, etc. Do you actually have any right to whinge?. Go on… take your business elsewhere… but where will you go that actually offers the same as Facebook? – Bebo?
I like it. Nuff said.
Meanwhile… I had a happy happy joy joy moment today. I went to add someone to a photo and found when I typed their name in it didn’t appear in the requester any more. When I went to their profile directly they’d defriended me. Oh I’m so sad. It was a relic from CRS days when I had to be nice to this person that they were a friend on Facebook, but in all honesty without naming names, I can say that I have never met a bigger more egotistic twat who actually managed to conduct an entire gig without uttering so much as a grunt at me. Good fucking riddance!. Time for a Bud I think!