The Mazda was collected by the repair company for an estimate on repairs to the damages. We are really hoping they decide it is a viable repair because I had to trail all the way to the arse end of Leeds to find that one, and we must have looked at 20 first.
As for the little git “what did it”, he’s been charged with attempted theft of a motor vehicle (apparently, this is more severe than TWOCing a car) and has also been charged with attempting to drive whilst disqualified and without insurance. He has been detained, and judging by the fact that the witness testimony is watertight (red handed…) and the police and authorities have been trying to get this little bastard for ages, I suspect he may well be spending quite a long time in prison…
Hannah now has a Yaris courtesy car which she isn’t too keen on but I love… she says the boot is too small (er… Lydia).
Or at least I hope so…