I got a new phone.


I was rather surprised to receive a notification on my phone saying I was entitled to an upgrade. It surprised me as I’ve only had my phone for 12 months!

Upon contacting my provider it was indeed correct! I can only assume that with the size of my monthly bills they want to keep me.

The decision was already made up – upgrading my Galaxy Note 10 to the Galaxy Note 20. Not much changed in the device, but being as much of a photography fan as I am I really fancied getting something with a real zoom lens and the increased size sensor (108 megapixel! Seriously).

Sure enough, the deal was done on Monday, I collected the new phone yesterday, and I’m now using it!

As for the photos? They’re amazing! This was my first night mode photo and it’s almost like daylight.

I also took a photo of Pip this morning. I asked him if he wanted a sosig.

And Bilbo.

So I’ve hardly done any photography yet, and with the current situation photography isn’t something I can really go out and do; but perhaps soon…