Originally uploaded by Last Human Gateway
… or abuse of powers?
I was stopped today by Her Majesty’s Police for “using a hand held mobile phone whilst driving”.
OK, Had I been using my hand held mobile phone whilst driving, then I would own up, pay the £60 and take the three points… problem is… I wasn’t.
I had Alex in the van with me (we were actually having an in depth discussion about how smelly Tuna Salad is and why we have to drive with all the windows down when he eats it), not using my mobile phone (which I may add was in a rather inaccessible pocket).
The policeman (who I am presuming is illiterate due to the fact that he can’t even fill in his own name fully on the yellow slip), and was possibly the most arrogant member of the police force I have ever had to deal with issued me a fixed penalty notice… saying “I saw you with the phone up to your left ear”
Ohhhhh wait till he sees the Doctor’s report in court! – I’ve been virtually deaf in my left ear for almost 6 weeks now due to the infection and damage.
Yes. I am rejecting the fixed penalty notice and taking it to court, because… well… I’m innocent.