I bet I’m not the only one who tires of social media. Whilst I carry on writing what is in essence my diary or journal here (although I do have a private diary on Journal too) I don’t keep up to date with many of my follows.
It’s remarkable how if I tag a post “health” I’ll get loads of new followers, all of them for their own personal commercial gain and trying to sell me their latest product.
If I tag a post “cats” or “pets” I get the same, but with pets – often trying to sell their latest quack cure for dysfunctional cats. Newsbreak. They’re cats. It’s in their nature to be a bit weird.

Social media is hardly social media when it’s just bots following you to gain something for the bot owner. It’s advertising without the cost. It’s lazy, and I bet it gets hardly any results for the people involved.
I never click on to their blog. Ever!
But, bot makers, please keep it up. Every time I get a new follow my blog gets escalated and I get real followers as a result! So it’s not all bad then.
I get the same shit also. I never click on those ads either, yet I still get a lot of ads for what is usually quackery.