Well you’ve probably noticed I’ve been absent for a couple of weeks. Well my unit was subject to an attempted break in on Wednesday/Thursday last week. They bent the locking pin on the shutter doors and caused some damage to one of the runners.
I’ve now repaired the damage, but it scared me and so I decided to call it a day down there. I hate most of my neighbours – honestly they’re thoughtless thick people. I’m not tolerant of people like this.
And thus, after applying for and being successful in my application I’m now in the process of moving into a rather nice and comfy unit; heated, well lit, and without the concern that my door will be constantly blocked by people who have an IQ similar to that of a kumquat.
As you’ll see it’s much bigger than my current one…
The shutter alone is a full 1ft wider! Outside my main door there’s a small breakout area, and up at the end of the corridor I have toilets, showers, a kitchen, and vending machines.
I think I’m going to be a lot happier here!