So we are now dangerously close to our first gig in the lineup and I’m looking at it thinking “wow that’s close!”. It’s next Sunday!
Yesterday was our final rehearsal before the gig and we had last runs though the material, tweaked a few bits, and generally played very well.
Unlike the last rehearsal where Steve was poorly we were up to full band again. All six of us.
To see the photos you’d think all we did was wore silly hats though!
We also discussed stage wear, which for the guys is an interesting concept. They’ve never really done the “specific” clothes before. Of course I have the Strange Fish trousers, and the Shark/Kitten shirt. But it’s now becoming a confusing matter of what to do…
The problem with the strangefish trousers is that I can’t actually find anything that goes with them! The shark shirt, on the other hand, makes anything you pair with it look ridiculous.
I have an idea though…