Can’t shed the cough!


So this bout of COVID has left me with a chesty cough and I’m now using an Ipecacuanha containing expectorant to get rid of the mucus. This is...

COVID update


My COVID has now broken and I’m starting to feel better, but it’s still snotty hell. Unlike my previous COVID bouts this one is very mucus producing and...

Code Milky Green


Today is brought to you by the letters COVID and the number 19. Yeah I’ve got the fucking ‘rona again. Not too bad to be honest. Just feels...

The dreaded COVID


I fell victim to COVID-19 over the new year period; unfortunately it was asymptomatic at first so I was totally unaware I had it, and by the time...

Side effects.


I’ve had quite a few side effects after my COVID vaccination; but I’d still have it again. It’s everyone’s duty to get vaccinated. The first night I had...

100,000 dead


Live Aid had two main events – London and Philadelphia. The London event held approximately 80,000; the Philadelphia event just over 100,000 due to the venue being much...

Lockdown incoming, again.


So Boris spewed forth tripe and again demonstrated his lack of understanding of the situation by locking us all down again from Midnight Thursday. Or is it Friday?...

The Revolution Starts Here


The majority of intelligent people in the country know by now that Boris Johnson is an inept buffoon, and that the Tories dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic is...