A long day at work, in fact a long tiring day at work. I ended up rather knackered today!
I’ve been in Brigg… strange town. Anyone from there before I call it a little bit inbred?
Anyhoo… funny story of the day… a customer I service the fire alarm for (who have allowed me to post this story but would prefer to remain anonymous) had a problem yesterday morning… it goes like this…
Customer A called me at about 7:45am… their alarm was going off in the background and they couldn’t find their key. I talked one of the more practical members of staff through opening up the control panel and disconnecting the battery, and then disconnecting the mains. Now… not too much of a problem… but this is the funny bit.
I found out today that the reason it got set off (as I made a call to sort it) was that a rather dopey delivery driver had gone into the building, not noticed the bell with PLEASE RING FOR ATTENTION above it, and pressed the glass on the manual call point thus breaking it and setting the alarm off… I suppose that’s a good way of summoning attention……
 hates them so much that she won’t even wash the bowl out.
Hardly a deep dark secret, I suppose.
And finally here is today’s teaser:
When James was nine years old he hammered a nail into a tree to mark his height. Ten years later, James returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by four inches each year, how much higher would the nail be?