The weekend ended with an Ethryll gig at the Royal Standard. We met Jake there, and Martin joined us shortly after.
After setting up and having a short soundcheck I went and changed into my new jeans. They’re amazing!
It’s as if someone exploded glitter on them. Larry and Jake both approved!
Sadly it was time for a Larry to go so I walked him back to the station and saw him to the train. It was very busy around the station so I was glad I chose that option.
When I came back in Jackalope Tales, the opener, were playing. I didn’t get to see very much of them but they were competent. American country music.
They finished and then Hollis took to the stage. Perfect for St Patrick’s, being Irish and all, he did a selection of covers and original tunes.
Finally after a half hour set, we took to the stage and did our thing.
By the end of the set I was really flagging. Far too much activity and far too little sleep.
I did, however, have a great weekend for exercise! Over 15000 steps on Sunday. 12000 on Saturday.