Bleary eyed…
Not enough sleep…
But at least the April Fool joke on the CRS website is getting well hit!
We rehearsed last night ready for the CRBar on Saturday. Hate 8 o’clock rehearsals because it’s always really late when I get home.
The new song sounds awesome now and we’re previewing it on Saturday. It’s called either “Stay” or “I will stay”… will probably just get the name “Stay” for the full album cos we’ve not got any single word song names (well not that we still play anyway)
The new album is “Mind The Step” and we’re currently in discussions about the imagery.
Spent the end of last night breaking in new leather jeans whilst I updated the CRS website with the joke – I hate leathers when they are new, they don’t bend and you end up sitting there like your legs are wrapped in corrugated cardboard, especially if they are the thicker leather (the thin stuff is rubbish in jeans)