After a day in latex…


A day of latex laundry!

I was asked about my latex care routine so I thought I’d share it here.

  1. If you have an over bath shower, put the plug in the bath and shower in your latex; whilst removing it and putting it into the bath water that’s gathering. Agitate the water around the latex as you go.
  2. Once showered, remove the plug and let the water run out of the bath. Run the shower head over the latex in the bath to remove excess soap.
  3. Put your latex washing tub in the bath and run a tub full of slightly warm water. Use a good quality latex wash and wash your latex thoroughly in the proper cleaner, putting each washed item on your over bath hanger.
  4. Once all latex is clean, run out the water from the tub and rinse it. Fill the tub again and put some Vivishine in the water and agitate it.
  5. Put each item into the Vivishine water mix, swish it around making sure the latex clothing is fully coated and then return the item to your drying rack.
  6. Once all items are washed clean the bath thoroughly with soap and water to ensure all traces of Vivishine are removed (it’s a lethal combination!)