My extensive collection of leather isn’t an accident – back in the 90’s and early 00’s my only form of transport was a motorbike. I used to ride it through all seasons – I commuted on it except on really awful days – for which I’d use my Suzuki Super Carry van (bought for £50!) which was a collection of rust held together by the occasional piece of metal.
I loved my bikes. Yeah they weren’t always very practical, but with a set of throw over bags and a tank bag I managed to do a full week’s holiday, and numerous camping trips on my bikes.
My first bikes were Suzuki Bandits – unfortunately I am very lacking on photos of these – however there is one of my red Bandit 600S in amongst a line of bikes back in 1999 in Cornwall. It’s second from the left.
From there I bought myself my first brand new bike. A W reg Honda Hornet. I got it on the first day of the new number plate. My only brand new personal vehicle ever! (not counting vans). It took me a fair few thousand miles, including multiple trips to see Mum & Dad in Chapel St Leonards.
Again, photos weren’t the order of the day back then with it mostly being film and my digital camera being a 1280×960 1.3 megapixel one with a might 2 megabytes or storage – but here’s a few photos featuring my Hornet.
I had long hair and fewer piercings back then!
I’d often wear all black leather back then on my bike – getting me the nickname of gimp by some of the guys down at work, but I was tough (and little did I know my passion for latex back the !). Again, not many photos, but this one of me sitting on my bike and looking very very shiny was one of my favourite photos in the early 00’s.
My final bike was a Honda X11, and in 2003 it was stolen. The thieves snapped the steering lock and dragged it into the back of a van. It was stolen to order – as the police later confirmed – parts were found in the used parts chain and arrests were made as part of a larger vehicle theft and ringing circle, but the insurers settled up and I was in a relationship by then, which meant I was using it less and less.
This, for the record, is an X11. It was a stunner of a bike. Ultra powerful. Very fast. I never did find a photo of it, or me on it.
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