Years ago my blog was called Growing up with Trifles after my home town having a major dairy responsible for production of trifles for most of the UK supermarkets.
Whenever there was a party a bag of trifles would be brought out of someone’s freezer (yes, we used to freeze them). It was a part of my childhood.
I still love a good trifle. Thing made this 😍.
I’ve had a trifle from the supermarket… that one was kinda meh. What goes in a good homemade one?
Fruit and sponge cake in the bottom in a fruity jelly (with some form of booze, in our case Blackcurrant liquor), custard for the next layer up, and then on top it has whipped cream topped with sprinkles.
Yeah, sounds way better than that supermarket one. There was no sponge in that one and a bit of fruit syrup without actual fruit.