Been there, done that.
3Let’s talk about tattoos – or more, the recent trend towards total skin coverage with tattoos, and the increasing number of piercings some people are getting. Chatting with...
Let’s talk about tattoos – or more, the recent trend towards total skin coverage with tattoos, and the increasing number of piercings some people are getting. Chatting with...
So on Friday I thought I’d got a weekend off. How wrong I was! Friday night had me working and logging power consumption on an electrical installation. What...
After lockdown eased last week I finally got in to get my tattoo finished. I’ve had a little more sky added at the top, the arch filled in...
I’m loving my new tattoo. I can’t wait to get it finished now. Under my arm is going to have a few Sheikah words. It looks great with...
Better still, my new spiral direct shirt arrived. I gotta show this beautiful art off!
Now “finished” if I want it to be, although there’s potential for more and I think I’m going to do something else in a couple of months. I’ve...
I’ve had no pain now for over a week and the final scabs have fallen off. Now the tattoo just has the milky dead skin layer over it...
My latest tattoo is now taking shape. It’s a cover up job for a rather dodgy stock Celtic band and very poor cross & crucible I got when...