Last night we gigged again, and I have to say it was superb. I do love Chaddesden Jubilee club – they’re absolutely lovely there and it makes me realise why I stay in a band; one of these a year makes it worthwhile.
I arrived in at about 1:30am, having realised I’d forgot my phone (it’s in the van) but luckily I’d got my laptop in the van so I’m now blogging using that; and I’ve put on my old Galaxy Watch 3 so I’ve got access to my phone (my Galaxy Watch 4 isn’t a 4G version whereas my Galaxy Watch 3 is).
Sadly, I can’t upload the photos until later as when I send them up using a PC I end up with odd rotations on many of them – here’s one for now, and I’ll edit the post later when I get to Bramley and recover my phone and put the gallery on.

Update… Here’s the photos that I couldn’t upload.
You look good in white pants. Seeing your beautiful eyes and your cute mouth gets me every time. You look so good in your Face The Music poster.
nice white leather pants
Thanks! They were a find!