Confrontation aborted.


Yesterday whilst driving along a road I found another driver attempting to cause a confrontation. The road in question is narrow, has cars parked along both sides with virtually no breaks, and in general when someone is coming through people tend to wait and let them through.

But not this entitled tosser. My van (blue) was about two thirds of the way through. The Range Rover (there I said it, you get the picture now, shown in teal) driver, instead of waiting around 20 yards further back, pulled up deliberately to block the road and attempt to make me pull into a space that was really tight (the one on the left). Instead I pulled up in the position my van is shown in on the illustration below and gestured he moved over a little.

He did. A very tiny amount. I then started manoeuvreing left to try and squeeze past, but the dickhead continued to try and make it difficult.

He then wound down his window, and in a Scouse accent said “how long you been f**king driving”, to which I responded “long enough to know you’re being a prick”. I then wound back up my window. He carried on ranting, so I just turned my music up really loud.

It has to be said that my extremely loud heavy metal music terrified the shit out of him, and strangely enough, he reversed up; realising that whilst he thought he was a bit of a twat; that day he’d met his superior.

At one time I would have got into a full on shoutfest with these arseholes, but these days I just think it’s not worth it.