Two in a row is always tiring. The second one was Easington; a small town on the Durham Heritage Coast just north of Middlesbrough.

So yet another journey up our favourite dual carriageway, the A19, and a fairly easy ground floor load (with possibly the weirdest load in door) and we were up and running.
Back to two sets for this one. I much prefer 2 X 45 minute sets as you get into the flow much better.
No silly rules regarding smoke machines again, so we set two hazers up on stage in an attempt to balance the haze across the full width of the stage.

As per usual the first set was the more dressed up one. Double breasted suit for me. I do rather like wearing suits these days.

The first set was very well played, although there was no dancing at all.
The second set, a less dressed down affair, on the other hand did gain us some dancers. Amazingly, they didn’t start until about half way through though!
Yet another really nice club, and as we found out later, about 90 regulars were missing! Apparently there were two coaches in Scarborough on a trip! D’oh!
We’ve been put forward for a re-booking – a complete different situation to when we were with our previous agent. It feels great to get good feedback!