Possibly my favourite band, IQ, released an album back in 2009 and upon release I listened to it a few times and went “eh?”.
This album is Frequency.

I’ve had a few listens since and still confined it to the “yeah whatever” bin. I’m not sure sure why? Perhaps it was because it was the first album they recorded without Martin Orford on keyboards? Perhaps it was because it features just two members of the original lineup of IQ, Peter Nicholls and Mike Holmes? I’m not really sure.
Well just lately I’ve been giving it a listen again and it’s finally hooked me after a very long time – the longest time ever for an IQ album, especially considering their next studio album, 2014’s The Road of a Bones hooked me straight away.
So giving it a listen again, it’s obvious that The Province of the King is the most sublime track on there, but Ryker Skies and the title track Frequency all stand very high too – but giving it the benefit of the doubt, again for IQ, there’s not a weak track!
Does it top my favourite IQ album, Ever, then?

no… Not quite.
Ever is still my absolute favourite album of all time.