The roads today seem to have been filled with inconsiderate drivers, inconsiderate companies, and just downright stupidity…
Second – Little Miss Tigra. You may have a Tigra, it may be a bit of a crap Vauxhall, and you may have very darling sweet children… but THE ZIG ZAGS ADJACENT TO A CROSSING ARE NOT THE PLACE TO DROP THEM… if only I’d been a little quicker with the camera phone. This happens a lot outside Rosehill School and causes chaos. The Rosehill school run is notoriously bad and causes the A633 to queue quite badly. Have people forgotten what those two things dangling under their bodies are for?
Rant over
Anyhoo… info is building about a tour in March. Just 3 dates… but it could be good.
 is at her first night of panto tonight so I’m stuck in doing a bit of work and generally resting my poor aching back.
FInally – how cool is Raven? – I know it’s kids TV but why wasn’t our kids TV this good?