It’s statement time.

Daniel Robinson thinks I look like this…
Originally uploaded by Last Human Gateway

I didn’t really get to see Magenta, but I did see some of Godsticks. Cool huh?

Meanwhile – Daniel, record label boss David’s son drew a likeness of me which is rather uncanny… although my neck and face is a bit fatter than his version, although he has got my angular jaw very well!

Other things were discussed at the gig… yes the bad news I said about at The CRF was indeed the leaving of the band of Phil and Dave – sorry I didn’t mention that on my blog – although recruiting other members is going well so far. Plenty of interest, auditions etc. If you’re at all interested… get your dibs in now as we may well be closing applications soon.

Finally… Manning at the Wesley in Maltby in December (the 12th) clashes with Pendragon… 3 HOURS OF PENDRAGON… somewhere miles away.

Yes, I like Pendragon… but 3 hours of ANY BAND is comparable to having root canal work… the perfect gig for me is about an hour in length, any more and I start shuffling… and after 3 hours? – yeah I’d probably be eroding my wrists with a blunt butter knife.

Now onto sadder news… here’s my official statement which can be posted around the world, the globe, this little oblate spheroid on which we live, breathe and pollute.

Kris Hudson-Lee calls it a day with the CRS

After many years as a familiar face around the halls of the Classic Rock Society and being around at some 100+ gigs (many of them festivals) it is time for a change, time to move on.

I have spent many years in bands – none of them really making an impact within the CRS, but in early 2008 I was invited to join Manning. That decision was somewhat of a turning point in both my musical and CRS careers and since then the balance of my life has tipped greatly. I found that Manning was a far more involved band than any of the previous bands I had been in, and that the incredible depth and complexity of the songs required a lot more of my time, leaving me with precious little time for everything else.

It’s now time to hand over to Miles, Tommo and Lambsie to take the CRS onwards and upwards… as Peter Gabriel says in Suppers’ Ready… “All Change!”

I’ll still be around, and you’ll still see me from time to time at gigs, but from now on I’m “just a helper”, although I still intend to keep my shareholding in the CRS and will still support it in it’s actions whenever I can and as time allows.

… so as they say … it’s goodbye from me.

Kris Hudson-Lee
September 2009

In other news… my PA is coming out of the Montgom this week… I hope Fireguard do PA’s…