I’ve done a phenomenal amount of work these last two days. A full fire alarm refurbish (including new panel, splitting two zones into three so new cabling, and fault elimination on the old system) and installed 7 cameras so far of a 10 camera system.
It hasn’t helped that the temperatures have been in the mid 20°C mark, and tomorrow it’s set to climb to 30°C at least. I’m not looking forward to that. I’m a creature of cool weather. I like it in the teens.
Today I’m back at the same place fitting the final three cameras (all on a fairly short run, I saved the best till last) and then I’ve got the door entry system to fit (single wire, not too difficult). Hopefully I’ll be done by mid-late afternoon rather than the last two days which have seen me getting in well after 6.

The fire panel wasn’t helped by the first one being faulty from the manufacturer. Where SC1 and SC2 are there should be a black terminal block. I’d be interested to know who QA’d this.