A couple of my followers have recently messaged me about this monument I talked about, so I thought I’d have a ride up there and show you want it’s all about.
The Needle’s Eye is a monument located near me, within about 25 minutes cycling distance.

It’s a mid 18th Century folly, supposedly built at the instruction of the second Marquess of Rockingham by architect John Carr to win a wager about being able to drive a coach and horses through the eye of the needle.
It’s about 14 metres high and the arch through the middle is 3 metres wide.
On one side of the structure are what are thought to be musket holes and legend has it that it was used to execute people by firing squad.

Also on one side is pre-war Graffiti with dates in the 1930’s etched alongside the names.

The day I visited was quite chilly, and a very wintery sun hung low.

Sadly, as seems to be the bane of the world; we had been visited by the dog poo fairy who seemed to think that hanging your dog’s faeces in a bag in a tree will get them magically cleared up. News. It doesn’t.
Environmentally, if it’s not in an area where people walk, or if it’s an area where it’s unlikely to cause a problem; stick it, flick it under a hedge or to the side. It’ll be gone in a few weeks. That bag is gonna be here for a lot longer!