Everyone’s doing these photo things… I thought I’d join in.
This is an outfit I’ve worn out a couple of times. It sort of mixes up looks and adds a bit of alternative in.
The photos on the right are details of the back pocket – yes they look like leather jeans, but actually they’re dress trousers. The back jetted pocket confirms that. They’re from BoohooMAN if you’re interested. Search “Faux Leather Trousers”. For pvc they aren’t actually too sweaty.
The middle photo is of my belt buckle. Those of you who are fans of Bones will know that.
The bottom is a nod to my nerdish leanings – my Galaxy Watch. I do love my smartwatch, although unusually, I prefer Tizen to Android. Android wear is a little too broken, plus the battery life even on the best models is still dismal.