Weird British Shit
1Every British Gen-Xer will know who this character is. Of course it’s Bungle the bear from Rainbow. Think Bear in the Big Blue House, but fucking creepy. UK...
A Sartorial Post
0Everyone’s doing these photo things… I thought I’d join in. This is an outfit I’ve worn out a couple of times. It sort of mixes up looks and...
I love Bones, but I hate it!
0One of my favourite TV shows is Bones. In case you’ve been living under a rock, it is an American drama based in a forensic lab at the...
Sliding along…
0When I first signed up for MySpace I decided I’d only add friends at first, but then relaxed the rules somewhat and allowed anyone who added me. D’oh....
Embarrassing Bodies?
0I’ve just watched a little bit of Embarrassing Bodies, brought to you by the very Danish Christian Jessen (pictured left). Now the question is… if you had a...
Big Balls!
0Why is there something really amusing about watching the American public utterly humiliate themselves on national television? I’m talking Total Wipeout of course (known as just Wipeout in...
Science IS fun!
0I’ve just finished watching Jim Al-Khalili presenting the programme Chemistry: A Volatile History on BBC4. It was absolutely engrossing especially when covering what could become a very boring...