A call at 4am resulted in me talking someone through stopping a possible fire. A contactor had overheated and the arc chute was glowing bright red. I told them to turn all the breakers on that particular circuit off this removing the load.
When I got there I found this.

Obviously that’s been burning. I couldn’t get one quickly so for safety I removed the outgoing power from the left hand phase of the left hand contactor so it could not be loaded up even if someone accidentally turned on the breakers.
Sadly, the replacement is going to cost in excess of £500. It’s an AC1 300A one (basically AC1 is the highest load rating out there) and because it’s running heating it needs to be AC1 for sure.
I’ve ordered a replacement but it won’t be here till Tuesday.
It’s wonderful you was able to talk somebody out of having a fire. At o dark thirty in the morning no less.