We finally got Jamulus working and after showering (bike ride left me covered in mud!) I set up the PC and prepared for a rehearsal with the new project band (name to be decided).

I can’t believe how well it went! Apart from the lag, which to be honest you do adjust to, it was a really beneficial songwriting session. I finally got to contribute some ideas into the project including both rhythmic and chord progressions and we’ve pretty much structured the final piece at last.
I’ve already changed a couple of previously written pieces too (including adding a rather Sowetto feel to one of the songs – I do love the African and Caribbean rhythms). For Sowetto think Gracelands.
We recorded the session using the only inbuilt recording technology too!
We reconvene next week… Who knows what will happen then!
A bike ride left you covered in mud? I hope you weren’t wearing any of your shiny clothes.