Like a rather memorable 1990’s film I pretty much woke up yesterday going fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCKERTY!
Two gigs this weekend, and add onto that a wedding and it’s a recipe for exhaustion.
The Wedding
So the wedding was at 2 yesterday, at Goldthorpe church – not too far away at least. I arrived in plenty of time, suited up in my rather gorgeous teal blue suit (I did not wear the latex suit, despite my fetish friends egging me on to!).

With a yellow tie this suit makes me think of the Albeiro star system with its beautiful haunting teal blue and golden orange/yellow stars trapped in a dance around each other.

The groom and all the groomsmen wore matching sage green suits. Looking rather splendid too!

The wedding happened on time, and I even managed to get some photos of the event.

And a Posey one in front of the church (quite a modern church, but still very striking)

… And a quick one of the classic Ford they were using as a limousine!

Shiniest suit award? This guy. It was a rather nice Next suit though, not one of those horrible bad polyester things you get from eBay.

At 3:15 I was heading off to the gig, via tea at Edenthorpe McDonalds.
Gig 1 : Hartlepool WMC
After a fairly uneventful run up to the venue we finally arrived at about ten to six – and loaded in and set up. What a lovely stage! It looks like the little opening was the original stage back when the club was built, but they’ve decided to make a huge thrust and it was spacious and looked clean, plus I wasn’t constantly treading on the moving head lights.

I’d love to say the gig was glitch free but sadly it wasn’t. I put new strings on and snapped D on tune up. Ernie Ball Cobalts = Wank. I won’t be buying those again! I’ll be sticking to my old faithful Rotosound Swing 66’s
Finishing at about 11:15, we loaded out by midnight and were back at base by 1:45. Onwards to gig two today!
Those stars are beautiful. They are an exact match for your teal outfit. I don’t think I have ever seen a teal star before. I wonder what metalicity would result in that color. Your gig stage was impressive. Even more impressive is you getting there at 6:10 and having set up by 7:40. The stage looked great and roomy. I notices some trip hazard wires. You would do some damage if you fell, as tall and massive you are. That sets my shipboard safety nerves jangling.