Looking Sharp!


At the recommendation of a guy from my gym I tried a new beard product. He has a huge ginger beard which takes a lot of taming, so I thought “perfect – he’ll have a go to product”. He certainly did!

King C Gillette soft beard balm. It’s not oily like most beard products I’ve tried although it was nearly £10 a tin!. Whilst I was at Boots I also got myself a new hair product to try – also in a tin. I am really anti plastic these days. We need to be going back to tins and glass bottles.

I’ve got to say though – looking sharp! Both products feel nice. I hope the hair stuff keeps my Vike in shape.

Speaking of “in shape”… Well alongside starting to feel really comfortable in my 38 waist again, I’m now getting back down towards a 36” waist (hence me wearing the 36 leather chinos on Thursday). The extra exercise (bearing in mind below is in addition to a physical job) is certainly paying off, as is the 400 calories a day defecit.

And my weight today?

102.8kg – down from 105.8 at my heaviest. Loss 3kg.

Tonight I’m gigging again so I think there’s just going to be a bike ride today, but I’m going to the gym again tomorrow.