Important News
My blog is now powered by Jetpack including the login & subscription platforms. For the best phone experience you should install the Jetpack app from Google Play or...
Big Change
0My blog has now taken second place on my website as I realise I’m seeing a big increase in hits related to my streaming, but a decrease in...
Buy me a coffee!
1I’ve been asked a couple of times for a sponsorship link without subscriptions, so here you go – click the delicious cup of coffee to be sent to...
The Nomenloonyverse
5Imagine the X-Men universe, but with fewer muscles, less Spandex and a few more pies and you’ve got yourself The Nomenloonyverse. So what’s happened I hear you say?...
A fellow Kris!
2I was emailed recently by another Kris who would love to buy my domain – sorry fella, it’s not for sale; but thanks for the interest. I...
0I’ve been asked a couple of times over the last few weeks about making a donation for people who can’t afford/don’t want to subscribe, but would like to...
It isn’t easy being green, sorry, blue.
5I’ve had another friend join our little commune over here, and hopefully we’ll see him around on the forums too; and again a common theme emerges. A theme...
A question answered
1A Patreon friend mistertalks has recently asked me how I protect my videos, so here’s the answer. Host them on Vimeo, don’t use YouTube! Upload the video and...